Pond in Winter

The “main” ceremony site at La Joya Dulce is the huge flat area outside our indoor arena. But we have alternative sites for your Steamboat Springs ranch wedding, especially the area near our pond. We strapped on our snowshoes yesterday to take some shots.

The top of the dam can accommodate about 100 wedding guests, and we can move chairs or straw bales there for seating.

The area below the dam forms a natural amphitheater, with a view of the Sleeping Giant. Seating would be very casual (straw bales and blankets), but the amphitheater can accommodate a big crowd.

There are established aspen stands near the pond, and we planted new aspens in the spring of 2017. Its a little hard to see, but the picture above shows tape around the newer aspens to protect them from hungry ranch animals. The tape will come down in the spring of 2018.

Access to the pond is easier after the snow melts, including vehicle access as might be needed for guests with disabilities. Just imagine the snow you see is the green grass of summer …


Dance Floor


Cowboy Downhill