The Sleeping Giant’s Feet

We were bragging to a prospective bride about the great views from our main ceremony site (especially since our new trees hide the equipment on the next ranch over). “I’d like to see photos,” she asked nicely. A reasonable request!

Our main ceremony site is about 4,000 square feet in front of our arena. The photo below shows the site after we prepared for a new lawn, but before we planted:

And here’s the view:

The highest spot you see is Elk Mountain, also known as The Sleeping Giant.

You can’t tell from this angle, but you are looking at the soles of the giant’s feet. According to legend, the giant is responsible for the so-called “Curse of the Yampa Valley.” This is the gentlest curse imaginable – those who leave the Steamboat Springs area are “cursed” with a desire to return.

La Joya Dulce sits on a bench above the Elk River Valley, and the view is panoramic. Here are a few more shots:


Cowboy Downhill


New Trees!