Guest FAQs

La Joya Dulce FAQs / Policies

The following policies are in place to make events at the ranch enjoyable for everyone.


La Joya Dulce is open for the event as per the hours specified by your couple. We are a working ranch and visits here are by appointment only.

We do reserve the right to keep the event fun and safe for all parties. Hopefully, this has answered all of your questions - if not? Please ask! If you have questions beforehand or on the day of the wedding, please contact Kathie Jacobsen at 949-422-5911 (cell).

  • There are absolutely no open flames permitted on the property outside of the designated smoking area. The barn is all wood, and there is hay and other flammable material present on the ranch.

    This includes, but is not limited to:

    • Sparklers

    • Fireworks

    • Candles

    • Open fire pits (propane fire pit present is inspected and approved by North Routt Fire Department)

    Please note that if there are fire bans, we may have to ban all smoking. Vaping is allowed.

    Also note that your host couple will be charged for every smoking item that is dropped on the ground outside of the smoking area. Please make sure you dispose of butts, etc. properly.

  • Children must be supervised at all times. Children who are found unsupervised will be returned to their parents and may be asked to leave at the discretion of the facilities manager.

  • Gates are present on the property as we have livestock present. Only ranch personnel are permitted to open / shut gates. Guests found opening and shutting gates will be reminded of this policy and may be asked to leave at the discretion of the facilities manager.

  • It's a party! Until it isn't. All alcohol must be poured by TIPS certified bartenders. Bar tenders may ask you for your ID - it's their job.

    Please remember that the ranch is at 7,000 feet. Altitude affects alcohol consumption. Please ensure that you hydrate before attending and that you drink plenty of water during the event as well. (The recommended rate is one glass of water for every alcoholic beverage you consume.)

    Please also note that alcohol consumption outside of that supplied by your couple is not allowed on the property. Our staff have been instructed to remove all such items (flasks, bottles, cans, etc.). We will hold it in a secure area and return it upon you leaving the ranch.

  • We reserve the right to request any person or group of people acting unruly and contrary to the terms of your couple's contract to leave the Event Space and Ranch. Please comply with any such requests from staff.

  • Please realize that parking that is out of sight lines for the event is limited. We want everyone to be safe and to have gorgeous photos!

    Transportation on the day of the event for guests is limited to shuttles. The wedding party may drive out to the ranch, and will inform us if there are a few (4-5 cars) others who will need to drive as well (elderly / families with children / dog attendants). Should you choose to drive and you are not on the list that we know about, we may ask you to leave.

    Please note that while Uber and Lyft will get you out to the ranch, cell service is limited here, so you may not be able to call back out.

  • The ranch facilities open to guests are the event side of the barn, the pavilion, and the grounds surrounding. This is our home - so our homes are not available to you as guests, nor are our workshop, the horse side of the barn or pastures.

  • Please stay on your side of the fence. Guests found inside of pastures with animals or found harassing animals will be asked to leave. This is for everyone's safety.

    The horses are not allowed to be fed treats other than what the ranch supplies and only under supervision.

    There is no riding.

    If you want to take photos of the horses or cows, please feel free to do so. If it is possible, we can bring a horse "out" for photos. There will be a handler from the ranch present for these. This is entirely at the discretion of the horse owner.

    Guests may have service animals. Please inform the ranch prior to them coming. 949-422-5911 (cell)

  • The toilets in the barn are reserved for the wedding party, handicapped, and elderly. There is a baby changing facility in one of the barn toilets. The toilet trailer is gorgeous and is for guests and vendors.

    In case of inclement weather, we will have umbrellas handy for you to go back and forth.

  • Only compostable petals or bubbles are permitted. No rice, confetti, artificial petals, glitter or other objects (these are easily ingested by our animals in addition to being a particular pain for your host couple to pick up!)

  • We do have a golf cart available for our couples, the wedding party and any disabled person who may need it. Please ask a friendly staffer for a ride.

    Guests may not drive the golf cart.

  • That's us ... just a gentle reminder that we want it to be fun for all, and our staff is here for your safety as well as the safety of the ranch. Please comply with their directives.